Legendary tennis coach Ed Faulkner said it best when he described tennis as a “civilized form of hand to hand combat.” Winning a tennis match is similar to winning a boxing match. It is a battle of coordination, strength, endurance, will and strategy.

If you are a tennis beginner (or you need to break old habits) we are NOT going to worry about “winning tennis matches” right now. Instead, we will focus on “how to play tennis.”

“How To Play Tennis” means coordinating our body, footwork, and racket swing – three things at once — to generate massive power, WITH EASE!

It is NOT our goal to make you the best hacker among the hackers, but to transform you into a real tennis player with beautiful strokes and movement.  To do this, we will model ourselves after ANDRE AGASSI.

As a little boy, Andre Agassi’s father, Mike Agassi, trained Andre to hit the ball as HARD as he could. Mike was a professional boxer. He taught Andre the body mechanics of a lethal, right cross (which are the same mechanics as a lethal forehand.)  Mike knew that if Andre had perfect form, he would be able to generate ridiculous power. It didn’t matter if Andre hit thousands of balls into the fence. Get the power first, then learn to control it.


How To Play Tennis like Andre Agassi

Did you ever see the baseball movie “Major League?” Do you remember the character “Rick Vaughn/ The Wild Thing” played by Charlie Sheen?  “The Wild Thing” had a 100 mph fast ball pitch! He had perfect form and body mechanics, but zero accuracy!

As you start your tennis career, think about being like “The Wild Thing.” Think about hitting the ball HARD! Breathe, grunt, get your aggression out, and have some fun with this thing! It’s a blast hitting the ball as hard as you can! It feels wonderful!

Get your FREE “Beginner Tennis Lesson #1” and “How to Play Tennis Process Maps” and YOU WILL GET THE POWER! We will teach you how to hit “the forehand” in 3 EASY STEPS!